Welcome To Our Shop!
Who We Are
Hello and welcome! We’re Megan and Max, hailing from metropolitan Detroit and are very excited to share our products with you. Odin’s Outpost was born from a love of history, heritage, and DIY. Both of us have always loved building, creating, and working with our hands. Couple that with Megan’s Scandinavian heritage and our love of history, this shop was just waiting to happen.
In February of 2017, we attended a small festival called the Michigan Nordic Fire Festival just outside of Lansing. The weekend was filled with fun Viking-themed festivities and a mead hall on Saturday night. We had such a blast that we decided to return the following year but this time we made costumes and shields to wear. It was that weekend the wheels started turning, and the very beginnings of Odin’s Outpost were born.
Through our shop and this site, we hope to educate others on Norse mythology and Paganism, bring a bit of Viking life to your every day, and work to take back symbols from those who use them for hate.